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Consolidated Engineering& Consultancy Services (CEC) is an initiative realized to serve the Consultancy, Project Management and Engineering requirements of the large Owners/Operators, EPCs in Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals, Refineries, Fertilizers, Pharmaceuticals, Infrastructure, Power, Transportation and Marine industries on a global platform.

icon_widget_image – 7.30-4.30- Sat- Thursday; Friday - Closed icon_widget_image Doha, Qatar icon_widget_image +974 44115560 +974 44115561 icon_widget_image [email protected] [email protected]

Qatar Petroleum


Customer: QATAR Petroieum
CEC Scope: Updating and Creating Offshore As-Built Master Engineering Records and 3D Models for PS-4 Halul Island
Year: 2019 – 2022

Project Details:

Updating and creating of MER’s with As-Built changes reflected in completed Project Data including site verification at PS/4 field and Halul Island. Updating and As-building of existing 3D Models of facilities at PS/4 complex and Halul Island. Software updating and migrating of the current 3D Model Project Packages from the existing version to latest OpenPlant version for all existing 3D Models (PS/2, PS/3, PS4 including Halul Island). Production of CAD drawings for update of QP Halul GIS..